PEACE values music highly and encourages all people to make a joyful noise to the Lord. Sharing musical gifts in worship is an offering of praise to God for those gifts that have been entrusted to us. We encourage anyone who would like to share a musical offering (vocal music or instrumental music) in worship to contact the office.

Our Choir is open to anyone who loves to sing. The choir helps lead the liturgy and presents musical anthems during worship. The Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 5:00 pm to 6:30 PM, September through May. Contact our Choir Director, Jieun Newland, for more information.
Handbell Ensemble — Campanas de Paz
The PEACE Handbell Ensemble plays under the name Campanas de Paz, or “Bells of Peace.” They gladly welcome new ringers to join them as they prepare for and share musical offerings during worship services throughout the year. Rehearsals are on Thursdays from 5:30-6:30 PM. Contact our Handbell Director, Kathie Rich, for more information.