Whether you are new to the area or have lived here a long time; grew up Lutheran or in a different tradition; go to church regularly or have not gone in years or ever… There is a place for you here.

Sunday worship begins at 9:00 AM.
We worship both in-person and online every week.
Online Worship
Sunday worship online begins at 9:00 AM
Online worship takes place live on YouTube and may also be viewed later. You can access the livestream by clicking the button below, or visit our YouTube channel. The worship video will appear on YouTube when we go live.
A few things to help you participate in our online worship service:
- Download the weekly bulletin (uploaded here by Friday each week)
- Provide your own Communion elements (bread and wine/grape juice) or contact the Church Office to request pre-packaged elements.
- Have a candle and lighter/matches nearby to light a candle at the beginning of the service
If you would like the worship link emailed to you each week, sign up to receive our E-Letter or contact the Church Office.

What to Expect
We welcome all. This is a place for all who are seeking God’s love and grace. We welcome all because God welcomes all, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, physical or mental ability, relationship status, financial circumstances, political views, or anything else that too often divides us. Our unity is in Christ.
Wear what you want. Our service involves robes and an adorned sanctuary, but most folks dress casually. Come in whatever you are comfortable!
We worship in the sanctuary. Enter through the door on the north side of the parking lot. You will see the doors to the sanctuary when you enter the building. We have ample parking and accessible ramps.
The sermon is short and focused on scripture passages. We pray together for the world, the Church, our congregation, and friends and family who need prayer. We typically sing traditional hymns that reflect the scriptures and theme for a given Sunday, and our musicians enhance our worship experience with prelude, anthem, and postlude music. We collect an offering to support God’s work through the ministries of the church; however, you should never feel obligated to give – we give out of grateful response to God!
We celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday, joining together at the front of the sanctuary, kneeling or standing. Each person receives a piece of bread or a gluten-free wafer and wine or grape juice in individual cups. Communion is also brought to those with limited mobility who prefer to remain seated in the pew. All are welcome to the Lord’s Table (Holy Communion). The promises offered in Christ’s body and blood are for you.
All ages are welcome to worship with us. We welcome your children to participate fully in all aspects of worship, and we have a short children’s sermon every Sunday.
Our Sunday Worship on YouTube
Prayer Request