Attending services at a church is not the same as connecting with others. We believe that our whole vocation as people of faith is getting involved through formal and informal ways, where friendships can be formed, and lives enriched. There are many opportunities to get involved at PEACE and share your time and talents.

Current Opportunities to Become Involved
- Choir – Anyone who loves to sing is welcome. Contact Choir Director Jieun Newland for information.
- Bell Choir – Campanas de Paz is our Bell Choir, and all are welcome to join. Contact Director Kathie Rich for information.
- Sunday Worship Assistants – Greeters, Technology, Readers, Communion Servers, Social Hour Hosts, Altar Care, Ushers. Contact the Church Office for information.
- Bible Study – Various Bible Studies are held throughout the year. Check the Calendar for a current schedule.
- Women In Motion – Ladies of PEACE enjoy meeting socially. Check the Calendar for upcoming events.
- Pastoral Care Ministry – Contact Pastor Hannah for information.
- Home and Hospital visitation – Contact the Church Office for information.
- Card Ministry – Volunteers send handwritten greetings or sympathy cards to members on special occasions. Contact the Church Office for information.
- Green Team – Environmental stewardship and sustainability initiatives. Check the Calendar for a meeting schedule, or contact Team Leader, Lyn Bussian, for information.
- Mobile Food Pantry – A monthly food give-away at PEACE every 3rd Thursday at 7:00AM. Contact Carol Winkles for more information.
- Community Service – Jardin de Los Ninos, Conlee Elementary School, and other projects. Contact the Church Office for information.
- NMSU Campus Ministry – Contact Pastor Hannah for information.
- Confirmation and New Membership Classes for all ages – Contact the Church Office for information.
- Nursery Upkeep – Contact the Church Office for information.
Opportunities are always changing and emerging. Please keep in touch with our E-Letter, Facebook page, and Calendar. If there are other ways you would like to volunteer or share your talents at PEACE, please contact the Church Office or Pastor Hannah. We are always seeking ways to grow, such as expanding programs for families and youth, and small group studies.