Since 1952, PEACE has had a rich history in southern New Mexico. A heart for all people and a dedication to service are the cornerstones that have built PEACE into the warm, welcoming church it is today. There is a place for you here – to be comforted, to belong, to serve.

Our Mission
We are called to be an inclusive community, sharing God’s grace through worship, service, and hospitality.
Our Vision
As Christ Calls Us, Peace Lutheran Church will embrace His mission, becoming a center of Christian hospitality for all.
As Christ Loves Us, we will care for and nurture one another, encouraging and rejoicing in each person’s unique gifts.
As Christ Forgives Us, we will accept each other in our brokenness, offering support and healing through all stages of our earthly journey.
As Christ Teaches Us, we will share our understanding of God’s word in our community, proclaiming the gifts of grace.
As Christ Commands Us, we will open ourselves to our neighbors with mutual caring and respect, celebrating together the Good News.

Peace Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ Congregation.
This designation expresses a specific welcome to LGBTQ persons.

Peace Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ Congregation.
This designation expresses a specific welcome to LGBTQ persons.

History of PEACE
PEACE began in 1952 as Bethlehem Lutheran Church meeting in a rented space at the old Branigan Memorial Library building in downtown Las Cruces. In a spirit of collaboration, Bethlehem formed a partnership with Holy Trinity Lutheran Church for a time. Originally affiliated with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, a group of members, in response to the challenges of changing visions, broke off to eventually form Peace Lutheran Church. PEACE chose, in 1988, to affiliate with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
In 2007, PLC became a “Reconciling in Christ” congregation. This means that we believe God’s grace is meant for all, and we welcome everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or physical or mental disability.
PEACE is a progressive congregation with a deeply rooted history of service. Several community programs that are now thriving on their own began at PEACE. These include Jardin de Los Ninos, a non-profit daycare and pre-school for homeless and near-homeless children, and the Border Servant Corps, a nationally recognized organization that has served dozens of local agencies through its volunteer programs and now focuses on hospitality for refugees and border education. PEACE members and volunteers currently host a Food Pantry that provides food for up to 100 families each month, provide supplies for a local elementary school, serve at the local soup kitchen, domestic violence shelter, Habitat for Humanity, Hospice, and other community agencies.
What We Believe
This is Christ’s church. There is a place for you here.
We are a church that shares a living, daring confidence in God’s grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person–questions, complexities, and all. Join us as we do God’s work in Christ’s name for the life of the world.
A Congregation of the ELCA Rocky Mountain Synod: PEACE is a member congregation of the Rocky Mountain Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
ELCA Global Church: PEACE participates nationally and internationally in the sharing of the Good News of Jesus Christ. The ELCA is at work not only nationally but also in the world, we are proud to be part of a Global Church.
Reconciling in Christ: Peace Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ Congregation. This designation expresses a specific welcome to LGBTQ persons.
A Congregation of the ELCA Rocky Mountain Synod: PEACE is a member congregation of the Rocky Mountain Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
ELCA Global Church: PEACE participates nationally and internationally in the sharing of the Good News of Jesus Christ. The ELCA is at work not only nationally but also in the world, we are proud to be part of a Global Church.
Reconciling in Christ: Peace Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ Congregation. This designation expresses a specific welcome to LGBTQ persons.
Staff & Volunteers
Church Council Executive Committee
Lisa Bates, President
Carol Eggers, Vice President
Ross Staffeldt, Secretary
Joel Peterson, Treasurer

Building Use for Outside Groups
PEACE welcomes others to use our facilities. The Fellowship Hall and Bethlehem Room are available to rent for public use as approved and available. For building use information, cost, and availability contact the Church Office.