Border Servant Corps
Border Servant Corps seeks to provide an opportunity for volunteers to work for justice, serve their neighbor, and walk humbly with their God. We do this by:
•Hosting volunteers to work and serve in social service agencies in Las Cruces, NM and El Paso, TX.
•Providing opportunities for volunteers to learn and teach about social justice and work toward systemic change.
•Supporting volunteers who live in intentional community, focusing on four tenets: Community, Simplicity, Social Justice, and Spirituality.
•Accompanying our sisters and brothers on the U.S. / México border.
Border Servant Corps rejoices in the richness of diversity as expressed in various lifestyles, ages, cultures, political involvement, educational experiences, and faiths. We support, affirm, and challenge one another in a community living setting.
The Lutheran Border Awareness Project, funded by the Thrivent Foundation, encourages servant leadership through the following programs:
Summer Internship: In conjunction with the Border Immersion program at Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey, this program allows current college and/or seminary students to participate in multi-month volunteer experiences. Participants work with partner sites and participate in activities surrounding the BSC tenets.
Fellowship Through Service: Persons from local organizations and congregations are equipped to service through a variety of programs, including “Using Your Spiritual Gifts.” The Servant Stomp runs in conjunction with this program as a means of providing the opportunity for community members to view and learn about local organizations where they can serve.
Lutheran Leadership: Leaders from the church are encouraged to become more aware and involved in border issues through a week-long excursions in the border region, with a specific emphasis on faith, service, and social justice.
To learn more, visit the BSC website at or contact the Executive Director at